During the latter part of 2019 I
decided to use my considerable Windows-based computer
knowledge to help others with
computer help;
and so I joined a forum called
TechGuy dot org as a helper,
with the intention of doing so.
Joining was easy, and I dropped straight into the role of helper, no questions asked. Nobody did a background check on me. Nobody enquired into my eligibility to be advising the general public about matters in relation to their computers and the operation of and interaction with them. – Although it was quite clear from the start that I knew what I was doing… But so would a hacker. I was asked my email address, I don’t remember if I was asked my real name, my address, my phone number.
I do know that I wasn’t asked about my level of insurance cover. I also know that, whether or not anyone on the website was aware of my personal details, they were never disclosed or even hinted at when it came to my giving people free advice which could possibly be very malignant to the person that I was helping if it were incorrect.
People only saw that I was going under the handle “Shazzalive”: A number of people know that Shazzalive is one of my online identities, but only a few. Only a few of those people knew anything about me, and one or three of those people knew me personally. Although my email address could be optionally revealed to my freebee clients, they had, in all reality, no idea who was helping them.
Since my tumultuous experience with TechGuy dot org, I notice that they now reveal their Christian names to the people that they are helping… Which is about as helpful as revealing their blood type and nothing else.
At this point I would like to make it clear that if I were to give any advice to a user, in the knowledge that they were using an outdated and obsolete Windows installation – such as Windows 7 or before at time of going to press on idolti dot me dot uk – and something related to their use of said outdated operating system went wrong at a future point, whether related to my advice or not, then at best my reputation could be left in tatters – as they’d look for someone to blame, and I’d have put myself as #1 in the firing line – or at worst they could sue me for a lot of damages,
– Their lawyers would have a field day!)
and ruin me financially as well.
Is it any wonder that the ‘staff’ at TechGuy dot org keep their proper full identities to themselves?
BUT, by keeping their identities secret, they cannot be held accountable for the results of their actions and advice, even if they should be. –
Therefore it’s the client who suffers – sometimes big time – and all they wanted was a little free computer advice.
In my opinion it’s better to pay someone who is qualified and who you know and trust for computer advice,
rather than trust a freebie website.
Anyway here is the article that I wrote about my experience and published on my old website at buggerallon dot tv.
I closed that site down, and republished it here: –
Use the controls below the article’s display-box to flip the pages and/or zoom in when necessary.
The Fourth Cyber ReichUse the controls above to flip the pages Etc.
Download this article as a .pdf file
* If you’d like to see a pic of the evidence that Cookiegal deleted, you can find it HERE.
* If you’d like to take a look at TechGuy dot org for yourself, go HERE.
TechGuy dot org isn’t evil or anything, and it’s not really “wrong” or “bad”;
it’s just a bunch of humans trying to be helpful,
for free,
– Which has a downside.