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What’s All This About German Food In A Bottle?
You’ll probably be aware that that I’ve been advertising a product called YFood. This product comes in a bottle marked “This Is Food”. As you may imagine from this, the product is a meal in a bottle, in various flavours, created by German entrepreneurs. (I don’t think they have any plans to do a bratwurst flavoured product, either at this point in time or in the foreseeable future – but what do I know? – Lol.)
At First I Tried It On A Punt
I first heard about YFood from their sponsorship of a channel on YouTube. Although it’s a channel that I don’t always think is very good, and one that seems rather desperate for sponsorship and advertises some crappy products at times as a result; I was fairly intrigued at this product – so I ordered a sample pack. I at first thought that I’d probably try it and throw up. Instead I was mightily surprised: The product tasted good. (I tried Sunny Banana flavour to start with.) It tasted like it said on the label, and although my initial thought was ’creamy/husky milk shake’, my second mouthful gave me more: This was actually filling. – I could feel it in my stomach and it was more than just liquid. By the end of the bottle I could tell that it really was nutrition: This IS food; just like it says on the bottle.
It filled a hole and I didn’t feel hungry again for at least a couple of hours if not more.
It’s Good For Me.
I have mobility issues, having only a single leg and severe arthritis in my real knee and lower back. As much as I love cooking, the kitchen can be a nuisance to me – especially when I have to wait for a pot or a dish to cook. That’s exacerbated by standing and whatever gymnastic-like acrobatics a floor-level oven and floor-standing refrigerator cause me to have to perform in a 3-foot-wide kitchen. The very worst thing is when I get hungry and have to pause something that I’m working on in order to go to the kitchen and create something edible to satisfy my hunger pangs. Yes I can have fast-food on standby which takes 3 minutes to prepare – but things like that are expensive and non-nutritious. I’m meant to be working on a computer anyway, not as a chef – or as a fast-food waitress. – And that is where YFood is ideal: I just grab a bottle and then it’s back to the keyboard.
Even if you have no mobility issues whatsoever, you too can just grab a bottle when you’re feeling peckish.
YFood comes in 8 flavours at time of writing: Sunny Banana, Smooth vanilla.. There’s also coconut, coffee, cherry, and 3 more.
It’s Not A Perfect Substitute For Real Food.
If you’re looking for the original taste of fresh vanilla, the cool refreshment of freshly-broken coconut, a caffeine high from a dark aravoca coffee, the taste-avalanche from juicy ripe cherries.. – Go book a table at Gordon Ramsey’s restaurant. YFood is not the “real thing” and it doesn’t claim to be. You can’t live on YFood; but you can use it as a decent snack from time to time.
What’s In The Sample Pack?
You can choose 5 flavours.
I got a vanilla-tasting YFood drink. I got a cherry-flavoured YFood drink. I got a coffee-flavoured YFood drink.. I don’t like coconut, but I do like the coconut-flavoured YFood drink. The Sunny Banana drink is pretty much right on though; it does taste very much like a fresh banana smoothie. The thing about it is not that it tastes exactly like the real thing, (Even though it’s not far off in the case of the Sunny Banana flavour.) the thing about it is that it fills you up, it is nutritious. It has protein, it has vitamins, it has trace elements, it even has carbohydrates.
This food is so useful that I can use it as a quick snack at home or the studio when I’m hungry in the middle of doing something, and I can even take a bottle or two out with me for if I get peckish at an inopportune time.
I Was Drawn To YFood Straight Away.
I was so impressed with the product that I ordered 12 bottles per month on a subscription-basis. That gives me an extra 15% discount.
You’re asking how much this, including the 15% discount, is costing me per bottle:
Just under three pounds and nine pence UK Sterling per bottle.
That’s not expensive: Shaken Udder Vanillicious Milkshake costs £1.60 for just under half as much by volume – and that’s just basically dairy cream and sugar – it won’t cure your hunger, + it has no trace elements and less vitamins. Yes you can make a small nutritious meal for £3.09; but that defeats the point of the exercise.
Additionally to the above, I’ve just looked on Amazon UK today – Sunday 5th March 2023 – and discovered that 500ml bottles of YFood are selling for £4.00 a unit. It makes sense to order direct from the company through this website and save 91p per bottle, wouldn’t you agree?
* They’re even £3.50 per 500ml bottle at Holland & Barrett:
This website always saves you money!
Click/tap the pic above to get yours..
As I’ve already pointed out to some degree; the individual drinks contain so many trace elements, so much fibre, protein, and a few calories too. They can most likely be counted towards your 5-a-day by means of some complicated algorithm that you can work out if you like. In fact I analysed the situation and I decided that it wouldn’t harm me or anybody else if I drank one approximately every three days in substitution for a meal. They are quite filling after all. I was rather surprised in all honesty: It’s like drinking something that resembles a milkshake, that fills a hole, and it stops you feeling hungry for quite a while. – A very useful product and a rather intuitive piece of German innovation.
Vorschprung Durch Technik it is not, but Teutonic genius might be found to be an apt description given time.