A lot of times it can be necessary to go into your Windows BIOS.
This can involve manually restarting your machine and repeatedly hitting F10 or whatever as the machine reboots.
What a palaver!
Wouldn’t it be so much nicer to be able to get into the BIOS with a single click?
Believe it or not; this can be done.. Well, the machine does restart after the click; but it boots straight back into the BIOS.
Here’s how it’s done: –
To do this you need to first create a batch file.
Open a new .txt (text) document on your Desktop and title it “Restart to BIOS” – so that it reads ‘Restart to BIOS.txt’.
Populate the text document with the following: –
@echo off
ECHO restarting to BIOS…
shutdown /r /fw /f /t 0
(‘Pause’ and ‘exit’ probably aren’t necessary; but I included them in the batch file that I use anyway.)
Now close the text document and right-click the file’s icon on the Desktop and select ‘Rename’.
Click after the .txt in the icon’s name and delete the letters ‘txt’ after the point. Don’t click away.
Replace the letters ‘txt’ with ‘bat’. – Now click away.
Windows will put up a dialog saying : –
“If you change a filename extension. the file might become unusable.
Are you sure you want to change it?”
Click “Yes”.
You’ve just created a batch file.
Drag the batch file you’ve created to somewhere not on your Desktop.
Now right-click the batch file’s icon and create a shortcut to it.
Drag the shortcut you just created to your desktop and rename it “Restart to BIOS”.
Right-click on the shortcut and click ‘Properties’.
Click the ‘Shortcut’ tab, and click ‘Advanced’.
Put a check in the box marked ‘Run as Administrator’.
Click ‘OK‘.
Click ‘OK‘.
Now, every time you click the shortcut titled “Restart to BIOS”, your computer will restart and you’ll find the machine’s BIOS on your screen.
If, at any point, you want to reboot into BIOS without having created the button; just run a command prompt as administrator, type “
shutdown /r /fw /f /t 0
”, and press return.
– But it’s easier to just do it all with one click.